Bathe duck in a spiced (nutmeg, allspice) and spicy (habanero) marinade, stick it in the oven, ignore it for five hours, then serve it with fixings for...
Author: Chris Morocco
Choose shallots that are all about the same size so that they soften evenly as they cook. And if spicy is not your thing, skip the Fresno chiles.
Author: Molly Baz
Melt tahini with chocolate in whatever shade you please for a glossy bittersweet filling that will sandwich together rich cocoa shortbreads.
Author: Chris Morocco
Precooking the squash seasons and softens it, but don't let it get dry or brown. The moisture it retains ensures it will be tender after baking and helps...
Author: Claire Saffitz
Store-bought puff pastry and a meat-and-potatoes filling come together as your New Year's Eve dinner centerpiece. The trick to getting a tender and indulgent...
Author: Kat Boytsova
It's hard to know if a parsnip will have a woody core, but generally speaking, small ones are tender throughout. Worst case scenario? Trim the tough centers...
Author: Molly Baz
Cubing and lightly toasting the cornbread preps it for maximum flavor absorption without compromising its sturdiness.
Author: Molly Baz
A good party spread is as much about curation as it is cooking. By using quality store-bought items and plating them up with a little bit of TLC, you have...
Author: Andy Baraghani
Salt and bittersweet chocolate lend a savory, sophisticated edge to this typically saccharine-sweet dessert.
Author: Andy Baraghani
You'll rejoice as white and dark meat alike come out juicy and tender in a bird you can set and forget - and then enjoy.